Project summary - Project EnBa
The purpose of the project EnBa is to develop a concept for the sustainable use of construction waste. This enables to create a basis for the implementation of the European strategy on the prevention and recycling of waste in Austria ( Strategie für Abfallvermeidung und –recycling [KOM (2005) 666] ) and contributes to achieve the aims of the EU waste policy.
The EnBa project aims at identifying the risks and potentials which construction waste may involve. Furthermore the project will show the logistical and technical options as well as the basic conditions, that are necessary to increase the recycling and reduce the amount of disposed waste.
On one hand, the resource potential of minerals and materials (e.g. Copper) of the waste should be used as efficiently as possible. The mineral and materials´ content is relevant in the waste flow because of its mass.On the other hand, waste separation and environmental-friendly disposal should contribute to reduce waste and CFC-emissions.
The involvement of the stakeholders in the implementation of EnBa is of great importance, because it enables to profit from their technical know-how during the whole project. This way, practice-related results can be achieved and implemented in every project step.
The reduction of those waste flows, which otherwise would end in the landfill and the efficiently use of secondary raw materials originated from construction waste, contributes to achieve the aims of the Austrian Waste Management Law: “conservation of landfill volumes” and “preservation of resources”.