Approach - Project EnBa
The new Waste Framework Directive represents the initial point of the project. In a first step, concrete parameters and criteria will be selected in order to enable an adequate description and assessment of filling and recycling materials.
In order to identify potentials and limits of the technical implementation, in the project will be evaluated the actual technology of selective dismantling and the material handling.
The analysis of different demolition objects, which were realised during the project, gives exact data on the mass and material composition of the buildings as well as on the retention period of the substances during the construction. This way, the recycling potential and the pollution risk of demolition materials can be estimated.
Based on preceding results, precise criteria for the management of the most used construction materials will be developed. In addition, long-term strategies for the sustainable resources´ use and for the reduction of harmful substances in recycled construction waste will be formulated.
Emphasis is laid on knowledge´s exchange, in order to promote a further improvement of the actual practice and to develop effective regulations about the recycling of waste construction. The public awareness about the relevance of this issue will be increased. Conferences, workshops and trainings will involve the decision makers into the project. Print and electronic media (e.g. project website, newsletters) contribute to keep posted the interested public about the project progresses and results.