Topics/Backgroung - Project EnBa

Digger at work

About 4 mio. tons of demolition waste are generated annually in Austria. Depending on the composition up to 70% are recycled, whereas a large part is employed as filling material and in the landscaping. The rest is deposited in landfills. It is difficult to sell this recycled products. In order to structure the recycling in line with customers´needs, the Austrian Waste Prevention Strategy focuses on the prevention of waste production and on the employment of demolition waste.


Fig.: Composition of construction waste

According to the EU-Waste Directive by 2020 (EU Abfall-Rahmenrichtlinie) the recycling of construction and demolition waste shall increase to a minimum of 70% by weight. Implementation instructions to meet this goal are currently being drawn by the EU-Commision. This instructions presuppose a very good knowledge of the value and the pollution potential of construction waste and its recycling products, the know-how in this field is however still insufficient.